import { space } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The space utility converts shorthand margin and padding props to margin and padding CSS declarations.
- Numbers from 0 to the length of
are converted to values on the space scale. - Negative values can be used for negative margins.
- Numbers greater than the length of the
array are converted to raw pixel values. - String values are passed as raw CSS values.
- And array values are converted into responsive values.
Margin and padding props follow a shorthand syntax for specifying direction.
Prop | CSS Property |
margin , m | margin |
marginTop , mt | margin-top |
marginRight , mr | margin-right |
marginBottom , mb | margin-bottom |
marginLeft , ml | margin-left |
marginX , mx | margin-left and margin-right |
marginY , my | margin-top and margin-bottom |
padding , p | padding |
paddingTop , pt | padding-top |
paddingRight , pr | padding-right |
paddingBottom , pb | padding-bottom |
paddingLeft , pl | padding-left |
paddingX , px | padding-left and padding-right |
paddingY , py | padding-top and padding-bottom |
// examples (margin prop)
// sets margin value of `theme.space[2]`
<Box m={2} />
// sets margin value of `-1 * theme.space[2]`
<Box m={-2} />
// sets a margin value of `16px` since it's greater than `theme.space.length`
<Box m={16} />
// sets margin `'auto'`
<Box m='auto' />
// sets margin `8px` on all viewports and `16px` from the first breakpoint and up
<Box m={[ 2, 3 ]} />
As of v4.0.0, verbose margin and padding props (e.g. margin
, marginTop
) can also be used instead of the shorthand props.
import { color } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The color utility parses a component's color
and bg
props and converts them into CSS declarations.
By default the raw value of the prop is returned.
Color palettes can be configured with the ThemeProvider to use keys as prop values, with support for dot notation.
// examples
// picks the value defined in `theme.colors.blue`
<Box color='blue' />
// picks up a nested color value using dot notation
// `theme.colors.gray[0]`
<Box color='gray.0' />
// raw CSS color value
<Box color='#f00' />
// background colors
<Box bg='blue' />
// verbose prop
<Box backgroundColor='blue' />
import { typography } from '@techstack/styled-system'
Typography props include fontFamily
, fontSize
, fontWeight
, lineHeight
, letterSpacing
, textAlign
, and fontStyle
// examples
// font-size of `theme.fontSizes[3]`
<Text fontSize={3} />
// font-size `32px`
<Text fontSize={32} />
// font-size `'2em'`
<Text fontSize='2em' />
// font-size `10px` on all viewports and `12px` from the first breakpoint and up
<Text fontSize={[ 10, 12 ]} />
// fontFamily
<Text fontFamily='mono' />
// textAlign
<Text textAlign='center' />
<Text textAlign={[ 'center', 'left' ]} />
// lineHeight
<Text lineHeight='1.25' />
// fontWeight
<Text fontWeight='bold' />
// letterSpacing
<Text letterSpacing='0.1em' />
import { layout } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The layout utility includes style props for width
, height
, display
, minWidth
, minHeight
, maxWidth
, maxHeight
, size
, verticalAlign
, overflow
, overflowX
, and overflowY
The width
prop is transformed based on the following:
- Numbers from 0-1 are converted to percentage widths.
- Numbers greater than 1 are converted to pixel values.
- String values are passed as raw CSS values.
- And arrays are converted to responsive width styles.
- If
is defined, thewidth
prop will attempt to pick up values from the theme
// examples
// width `50%`
<Box width={1/2} />
// width `256px`
<Box width={256} />
// width `'2em'`
<Box width='2em' />
// width `100%` on all viewports and `50%` from the smallest breakpoint and up
<Box width={[ 1, 1/2 ]} />
// width from `theme.sizes`
<Box width='medium' />
// display
<Box display='inline-block' />
<Box display={[ 'block', 'inline-block' ]} />
// maxWidth
<Box maxWidth={1024} />
<Box maxWidth={[ 768, null, null, 1024 ]} />
// minWidth
<Box minWidth={128} />
<Box minWidth={[ 96, 128 ]} />
// height
<Box height={64} />
<Box height={[ 48, 64 ]} />
// maxHeight
<Box maxHeight={512} />
<Box maxHeight={[ 384, 512 ]} />
// minHeight
<Box minHeight={512} />
<Box minHeight={[ 384, 512 ]} />
// size (width & height)
<Box size={32} />
<Box size={[ 32, 48 ]} />
// overflow
<Box overflow='hidden' />
// overflowX
<Box overflowX='hidden' />
// overflowY
<Box overflowY='hidden' />
import { flexbox } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The flexbox
utility includes style props for alignItems
, alignContent
, justifyItems
, justifyContent
, flexWrap
, flexDirection
, flex
, flexGrow
, flexShrink
, flexBasis
, justifySelf
, alignSelf
, and order
// alignItems
<Flex alignItems='center' />
// alignContent
<Flex alignContent='center' />
// justifyContent
<Flex justifyContent='center' />
// flexWrap
<Flex flexWrap='wrap' />
// flexBasis
<Flex flexBasis='auto' />
// flexDirection
<Flex flexDirection='column' />
// flex
<Box flex='1 1 auto' />
// justifySelf
<Box justifySelf='center' />
// alignSelf
<Box alignSelf='center' />
// order
<Box order='2' />
Grid Layout
import { grid } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The grid
utility includes style props for gridGap
, gridColumnGap
, gridRowGap
, gridColumn
, gridRow
, gridAutoFlow
, gridAutoColumns
, gridAutoRows
, gridTemplateColumns
, gridTemplateRows
, gridTemplateAreas
, and gridArea
// gridGap
<Box gridGap={10} />
<Box gridGap={[ 1, 2 ]} />
// gridColumnGap
<Box gridColumnGap={10} />
<Box gridColumnGap={[ 1, 2 ]} />
// gridRowGap
<Box gridRowGap={10} />
<Box gridRowGap={[ 1, 2 ]} />
// gridColumn
<Box gridColumn={1} />
// gridRow
<Box gridRow={1} />
// gridAutoFlow
<Box gridAutoFlow='row' />
// gridAutoColumns
<Box gridAutoColumns='auto' />
// gridAutoRows
<Box gridAutoRows='auto' />
// gridTemplateColumns
<Box gridTemplateColumns='1fr 2fr' />
// gridTemplateRows
<Box gridTemplateRows='auto' />
// gridTemplateAreas
<Box gridTemplateAreas='a b' />
// gridArea
<Box gridArea='a' />
import { background } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The background
utility includes style props for backgroundImage
, backgroundSize
, backgroundPosition
, and backgroundRepeat
// example
import { border } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The border
utility includes style props for border
, borderWidth
, borderStyle
, borderColor
, borderRadius
, borderTop
, borderTopWidth
, borderTopStyle
, borderTopColor
, borderTopLeftRadius
, borderTopRightRadius
, borderRight
, borderRightWidth
, borderRightStyle
, borderRightColor
, borderBottom
, borderBottomWidth
, borderBottomStyle
, borderBottomColor
, borderBottomLeftRadius
, borderBottomRightRadius
, borderLeft
, borderLeftWidth
, borderLeftStyle
, borderLeftColor
, borderX
, and borderY
<Box border='1px solid' />
<Box borderTop='1px solid' />
<Box borderRight='1px solid' />
<Box borderBottom='1px solid' />
<Box borderLeft='1px solid' />
// borderWidth
<Box borderWidth='4px' />
// borderStyle
<Box borderStyle='dotted' />
// borderColor
<Box borderColor='blue' />
// borderRadius
<Box borderRadius={4} />
import { position } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The position
utility includes style props for position
, zIndex
, top
, right
, bottom
, and left
// position
<Box position='absolute' />
// zIndex
<Absolute zIndex={2} />
// top, right, bottom, left
import { shadow } from '@techstack/styled-system'
The shadow
utility includes style props for textShadow
and boxShadow
<Box textShadow="small" boxShadow="medium" />
The compose
utility is used to combine multiple style functions together into one.
This utility can help improve performance when using multiple style props functions on the same component.
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { compose, typography, space, color } from '@techstack/styled-system'
export const Text = styled('div')(
To create custom props for other CSS properties, use the system
low-level utility.
The system
function takes a configuration object as its only argument and returns a style function that can be used like any other Styled System function.
Each key in the configuration object can define the following:
: the CSS property to use in the returned style objectproperties
: an array of multiple properties (e.g.[ 'marginLeft', 'marginRight' ]
: a string referencing a key in thetheme
: a function to transform the raw value based on the scaledefaultScale
a fallback scale object for when there isn't one defined in thetheme
// example
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { system } from '@techstack/styled-system'
const Text = styled('div')(
fontSize: {
property: 'fontSize',
scale: 'fontSizes',
defaultScale: [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48],
lineHeight: {
property: 'lineHeight',
scale: 'lineHeights',
// shorthand definition
textAlign: true,
By default, Styled System will return either a value from the theme, based on a key, or the raw value.
To change how a style prop value is transformed, provide a custom transform
The function takes two arguments: (value, scale)
, where value
is the raw prop value, and scale
is a theme scale object or array.
Creates a custom style utility to apply complex styles based on a single prop.
Variants differ from the original styled-system to allow for the usage of pseudo selectors.
Below is a button example with multiple variants being applied.
import styled from 'styled-components'
import { variant } from '@techstack/styled-system'
const Button = styled.button`
prop: 'typography',
key: 'typography.type',
key: 'buttons.variants',
key: 'buttons.size',
prop: 'size',
prop: 'intent',
key: 'buttons.intents',
// <Button typeography="body" variant="primary" size="lg" intent="error" />
Some style props include default, fallback scales if not defined in the theme
// Default Breakpoints
const breakpoints = ['40em', '52em', '64em']
// @media screen and (min-width: 40em)
// @media screen and (min-width: 52em)
// @media screen and (min-width: 64em)
// default fontSizes
const fontSizes = [12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72]
// default space for margin and padding
const space = [0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]